Just disembarked plane. Waiting for chute to open.
At processed meat factory mesmerized by giant meat grinder.
Stepping closer to shoot photo.
Not wearing sensible shoes.
Tied to track.
Single light approaching.
Could be rescue team.
Ground trembling.
Difficult to keep fingers on keyboard.
In cage with narcoleptic tiger.
My stomach rumbling.
Found missing jerky strips in back pocket.
Opening zip-locked pouch.
Heavy traffic on freeway.
Driving with feet on dashboard.
Self-pedicure to left foot.
Texting with right.
Lunch break at 100+ degree construction site.
Napping in shade of idling steamroller.
First day with new circus.
Loaded into cannon.
Awaiting crowd roar.
Questioning safety net placement.
Just finished dinner at black tie sushi bar.
Reaching to pet polar bear at zoo fundraiser.
Ah! turkey season.
Wearing camo, hiding in tree with iPhone "Turkey Call" app.
Wicked realistic!
300 pound anvil over head.
Why is roadrunner loosening rope?