Seal Coating truck recently vandalized by activists.
The following article was submitted by nationally acclaimed folksinger and animal rights activist Joany Seng-Lowe. Joany was recently in Wapatusset to attend an emergency board meeting of the Greyote Rescue & Outreach League (GROL) and to attend her brother’s bail hearing.
Joany Seng-Lowe (file photo)
Dear Tiny Mind Gazette:
You only need to drive a couple blocks in Wapatusset before stumbling upon a suburban residence with a cordoned off asphalt driveway – blackened to a sheen that can only be achieved by one method, and one method alone.
Adorable baby seal escapes poachers.
I ask you, the general public, where is the outrage?
How many more seal lions have to die before this barbaric ritual is brought to an end?
However, my well-honed artistic sensibilities to both right and wrong, have directed me to take up a new cause – to BAN SEAL COATING!
I urge you, as responsible citizens of the planet, to stand-up an let your voices be heard! Please join me in putting an end to this horrible atrocity – happening in your own driveway!
Gypsy Mouths (from upcoming album: Seng-Lowe: Suite Chariot)
Editor’s Note:
Joany and her band, ‘The Gypsy Mouths’ will be performing a FREE benefit concert this summer at the Speedwell Guild Lodge. Additional information will soon be released as soon as it becomes available. Seng-Lowe’s new album, ‘Suite Chariot’ is scheduled for a July release date.