Undercover spy photos of mysterious movie star couple, provided by Wapatusset Queen of Realty 2010, Patty Prine
A famous movie-star couple (to remain nameless) is reportedly checking out the fresh-on-the-market $66 million property at Wapatusset Cove. A bedraggled looking man with
peculiar beard and six children in tow was initially questioned by police,
after a neighbor reported a “vagrant” outside the estate grounds.
The compound includes a 12-bedroom estate, plus a hotel,
restaurant and underwater lair. If the sale goes through, the couple plans to
hire local town architects to renovate existing buildings and update the New England look to "something a bit more postmodern." Plans would include
an opium den, tattoo parlor and sword museum on the ground floor of the home,
and a vegan restaurant on the Cove. The hotel would be converted into an international
orphanage and nanny training camp.
Stay tuned for breaking news.
- Agent SS